The Midwest

The Midwest as Humorously Seen by Chicagoans

The Midwest, which is the home of our city, Chicago, Illinois, is one of the four main U.S. Geographic regions. The census bureau officially designates it as the North Central region, but it is most commonly known as "The Midwest". Stretching over 12 states from Iowa to Wisconsin, with Chicago being the largest city and third in the entire country. Other large cities in the Midwest include Indianapoils, Detroit, Milwaukee and Cleveland. Powered by heavy agriculture and industrial businesses, it's central location between the western half of the United States and the Eastern coast makes it a crossroads for commerce and business.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum in Cleveland, Ohio

The culture of the Midwest is rich and diverse, mainly because of the 20th century African American migration from the south. Since then, the region's major cities include heavy population of African Americans who brought music styles such as Jazz and Blues to the areas. Musical creativity was abundant in the Midwest with the arrival of Rock and Roll, Funk, R&B and the signature Motown Sound from Detroit. 

Chicago blues defined the genre of blues, and was featured in such movies as "The Blues Brothers" and "Godfathers and Sons". Rock and Roll music was coined by Disc Jockey Alan Freed in Cleveland who began playing the music which at the time was a mix between Rhythm and Blues, Jazz, Swing music, Gospel and Country. The Midwestern styles of music basically defined popular modern music as we know it today, and artists from around the world are honored and recognized at the Hall of Fame every year.

1 comment:

  1. This video, unlike others, tells about the culture in the area rather than the "physical geography". Very nice compilation.
